Senin, 12 Desember 2011
Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v4.1.3
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FriendCaster Pro for Facebook - No Ads, More Features gives you the best Facebook experience on Android devices!
Advantages of FriendCaster over the standard Facebook for Android app:
★ More Secure with Enforced SSL Encryption
★ New ActionBar UI
★ Pull To Refresh
★ Gmail/K-9 Push Notifications. FriendCaster can check for emails that Facebook sends to you telling you that you’ve got a notification.
★ Notifies on Facebook Messages, Friends’ Birthdays & Notifications
★ Notification Popup (which can show over Lock-screen and has Quick Reply). Similar to SMS Popup, Handcent SMS, etc.
★ Share Links from the Browser easily without being redirected to Mobile Web
★ Ability to select the privacy setting for each Facebook Status/Post you make
★ Ability to Like comments and see how many likes comments have
★ Re-Share your Facebook Friend’s Posts
★ Add Facebook Friends as Favorites for easy access
★ Ability to Add/Remove Facebook Friends
★ Upload multiple photos (with Gallery)
★ View the Photos that your Friend’s are tagged in on Facebook
★ View and Tag Friends in Photos on Facebook
★ Upload Photos to Groups and Pages (that you own) on Facebook
★ Upload Video to Facebook
★ Upload multiple videos with the Gallery App
Other notable features:
- Excellent Widget
- Checkin & Places
- View your Events and Groups
- View Friends, their profiles, photos and albums
- Upload High Resolution Photos
- RSVP to Events, see who’s attending and where it is
- In-built Inbox Messages view
- Vibrate, LED and Sound options
We're adding new features all of the time, so check back often!
Planned Features Include:
- Tablet layouts
- Chat
- Themes
- Contact Syncing
What's in this version:
+ New! Quick Camera launcher now installed along with FriendCaster
+ New! Photo tools, effects and stickers. Powered by Aviary.
+ New! Multi-account support is back!
+ Improved Photo Viewer
+ ‘Swipe-able’ News Feed and Friends UI
+ Many bug fixes and force close fixes as well
Provided by: -Market Militia-
More Info:
Thanks to notion
Note : file dapat di download dengan opera mobile.
Jika saat install ada pesan kesalahan "application not installed", uninstall dulu friendcaster yang lama.
Lonely Cat Games X-Plore v2.0.1
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* Dual-pane tree view
* Root access (on rooted devices), also allowing changes to read-only files
* Shows all internal and external memory locations
* Seamless work with Zip (as if it was normal folder)
* Favorites (folders, Zips) displayable in root
* Basic media info about images, video and audio files
* Built-in viewers for images, video, audio, text
* Hex viewer
* Fast Image viewer with zoom and slide to previous/next images in folder
* Thumbnails for images and video as well as for various file types (depending on associated application)
* Ability to clear default application handlers
* Multi-selection - always available, yet not disturbing
* Search files in folders (also in Zip or in search results)
* View APK files as ZIP
* Configurable buttons and key shortcuts
X-plore allows you to see inside of your Android phone or tablet.
This is a dual-pane explorer, which means that there're two folders shown at same time, and common operation such as copying files are done from one pane to another.
And X-plore shows folder hierarchy in a tree view. This offers clear orientation on where in file system you currently are, and fast switching to other location.
Currently selected folder and files are highlighed, while other folders/files have slighly darker background.
You may explore internals of the device, and if you're power user and have your device rooted, you can make changes to system data - backup files, remove unwanted applications, etc.
If you're standard user, you may choose to hide internal memory from view and be sure not to mess with system.
You can comfortably see contents of your external memories, either be it built-in high capacity memory, external memory card, or possibly USB memory stick attached to your tablet. All these memory types are listed in main level, you don't need to search for their folders on the device.
Where it makes sense, X-plore tries to tell more about the file. This means showing thumbnails for images and video, and displaying basic media information about music files.
Main operations are related to managing files and folders - viewing, copying, moving, deleting, compressing to Zip, extracting, renaming, sharing, and more.
Main interaction is done by touch screen, clicking on folders or files to open files, or long-click to open context menu which contains options which can be done on particular clicked item, or multiple selected items.
Multi-selection allows to do operation on more files at once. Files can be selected by clicking check box. It is also possible to select all files in a folder, or clear selection, by clicking parent folder's check box.
Opening file may mean to use one of built-in viewer for most popular file types: images, audio, video and text.
Or you may configure X-plore to use system application for opening files, in which case system-predefined application that can open particular file is launched.
Archives (currently supported is Zip) are displayed as other folders. You may open them, see contents, and do standard operations that you'd do on files - rename, delete, copy from/to, etc. You don't feel other difference from normal file system, other than operation may be slower for larger Zip files due to need of recompression.
Additional interaction is possible by button bar, which is between two panes, and is fully configurable. You may put buttons of your desired operations here, and change ordering.
Buttons in this bar become enabled or disabled automatically depending on if it is possible to perform given operation.
Another input comes from configurable keyboard shortcuts. Many android devices are mainly controlled by touch screens, and have minimal buttons or keys. Even on such device, you may assign action to volume keys.
And on devices with full hardware keyboard, many operations may be (and are by default) assigned to various keys.
Recent changes:
Complete rework as native Android application
More Info:
Thanks to infinitely
Download anti virus kapersky + activation code
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Autocad for android
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Untuk para desainer, arsitek ataupun drafter tentunya sudah tidak aneh lagi dengan software autocad dan cara penggunaannya. selama ini pasti anda menggunakan autocad di laptop atau pc anda. tapi sekarang anda bisa menggunakan autocad di handphone anda.
aplikasi ini bernama autocad ws. krna terlalu banyak yang harus dijelaskan untuk info lengkap dan tutorialnya lihat di
aplikasi ini bernama autocad ws. krna terlalu banyak yang harus dijelaskan untuk info lengkap dan tutorialnya lihat di
Re:adobe flash player 10.1 armv6
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silakan ikutin tutorial di mari....
its work di galaxy mini 2.3.4 ane
its work di galaxy mini 2.3.4 ane
Mobile Systems OfficeSuite Professional v3.0.305
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Mobile Systems OfficeSuite Professional v3.0.305
Requirements: Android
Overview: A complete mobile office, allowing you to create, view and edit Microsoft Word and Excel files and attachments, as well as to view PowerPoint and PDF files on your Android based phone.
The software utilizes the most common desktop document formats DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, TXT, PDF and ZIP.
Now access your Google Docs files!
Version 3.0.305
Optimized for Cruz Tablets
If you get an error during install you will have to remove your older version.
More Info:
Code: - 3.9 MB
Requirements: Android
Overview: A complete mobile office, allowing you to create, view and edit Microsoft Word and Excel files and attachments, as well as to view PowerPoint and PDF files on your Android based phone.
The software utilizes the most common desktop document formats DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, TXT, PDF and ZIP.
Now access your Google Docs files!
Version 3.0.305
Optimized for Cruz Tablets
If you get an error during install you will have to remove your older version.
More Info:
Code: - 3.9 MB
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[video]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="[/video]
Jangan lupa yaa file sd card nya dimasukin ke gameloft -> games
Tutorial Autotext pada Android (mirip BB)
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Pernah lihat teks yg mirip BB bisa ngapa2in, contoh:
°º ° =))Hªªhªªhªªhªª ° °º
°~=) ) •• °wk .wk. wk° ••=) )~ °
(*·_ ·)??*
( ^ ^)Y ?Y (^^ )
« ßë ®ight ß @©K »
__ __ __ _ _
,_ __ __ _/ "|__ _(<= -P ,/ /_ _\ \_ _, //
\;!__ (@) __ !_ _ _ __ !_ __ _! (@) ! _ __ _}
Di Android pun juga bisa, download Smart Keyboard Pro disini: (mentahan sudah dikasih dalam apk,FREE!!! sudah dicracked)
Lalu backup untuk autotext disini: (hasilnya
Tambahan untuk di handset jangan lupa file managernya, biasa digunakan "Astro File Manager" (ada di market). Untuk transfer data dari PC - handset bisa juga menggunakan myphoneexplorer ( ) atau QtAdb ( ),agar bisa konek ke myphoneexplorer/qtadb diharuskan sudah menginstall driver untuk handsetnya agar bisa dikenali di komputer, untuk Samsung bisa pakai Kies, HTC pakai htc drivers yang dapat didownload di situs resminya.
Setelah diinstall, maka langsung buka di handset dengan cara settings - Language and Input Settings - Smart Keyboard Pro Settings. Jika tampilan gambar rada beda, karena custom ROM tetapi pada dasarnya tampilan menu-menu di androis sama.
Pada backup settings, coba dipilih untuk membuat backupnya.
Kemudian pilih "Backup to SD Card", lalu pilih OK pada dialog. Sehingga akan terbentuk file di /sdcard/smartkeyboardpro/
Atau bisa create manual saja folder "smartkeyboardpro" di sdcard, lalu copas ke dalam situ. yang sudah didownload, transfer ke sdcard di folder /smartkeyboardpro/ , bisa dengan cabut sdcard terlebih dahulu yang ditaro di card reader dan lakukan copy paste di windows explorer seperti biasa atau bisa juga sdcard di handset dijadikan usb mass storage dan lakukan copy paste seperti biasa atau bisa gunakan myphoneexplorer. File yang lama dihapus dan ditimpa dengan yg sudah didownload.
Nah, kemudian restore backupannya dengan masuk ke backup settings - pilih restore from sdcard. Pilih OK saja
Nah berikut di gambar adalah settingan dari Smart Keyboard Pro di bagian Text Prediction. Tanda biru (1) artinya on/aktif, sorry jika beda tampilan karena custom rom dan theme tetapi pada dasarnya sama.
<li>Auto-capitalization: on</li>
<li>Quick fix: off = agar tidak otomatis terganti begitu mengetik</li>
<li>Show suggestion: on</li>
<li>Autocomplete: off = agar tidak mengganggu (otomatis ganti kata) begitu spasi</li>
<li>Swap punctuation:off</li>
<li>Space after picking:off</li>
<li>Contact Dictionary:on/off (optional, jika ingin suggestion ambil dari nama kontak di hp)</li>
<li>Always suggest: on = agar muncul suggestionnya apa begitu mengetikkan sesuatu</li>
Di custom autotext lah dimasukkan kata2nya, misalkan kita mengetik ILU langsung muncul suggesstion "I love you very much". Klik + Add AutoText.. untuk menambah.The following word misalnya "ILU", lalu will be replace with "I love you very much".
AutoText yg sudah ada bisa juga diedit dengan klik salah satu, pilih Edit
OK, sekarang bisa mulai untuk memakai ngetik dengan autotext tersebut, bisa sms, bisa untuk notes atau pun web. Pastikan input method yg dipilih adalah smartkeyboard pro, tap rada lamaan di textbox maka muncul dialog untuk pilih input method, pilih saja smartkeyboard pro.
Jika sudah, coba ketik salah satu key dari autotext yg sudah ada, misalnya ketik "brb" maka nongol suggesstion yg terlihat berwarna oren, touch saja suggesstionnya maka autotext tsb langsung muncul di textbox.
Khusus yg menggunakan keyboard fisik seperti htc dream G1, x10mini pro, desire Z, agar muncul juga autotextnya saat diketik, jangan lupa masuk ke Smart Keyboard Pro Settings - General Settings - Physical Keyboard (centang saja atau on)
Ada masalah dengan karakter yg jadi kotak2? masuk sini:
Tak lupa kepada Mr.Gita Indrawanoor dan Mr. Ivan Putra Harsono yg telah mengajarkan cara2nya
°º ° =))Hªªhªªhªªhªª ° °º
°~=) ) •• °wk .wk. wk° ••=) )~ °
(*·_ ·)??*
( ^ ^)Y ?Y (^^ )
« ßë ®ight ß @©K »
__ __ __ _ _
,_ __ __ _/ "|__ _(<= -P ,/ /_ _\ \_ _, //
\;!__ (@) __ !_ _ _ __ !_ __ _! (@) ! _ __ _}
Di Android pun juga bisa, download Smart Keyboard Pro disini: (mentahan sudah dikasih dalam apk,FREE!!! sudah dicracked)
Lalu backup untuk autotext disini: (hasilnya
Tambahan untuk di handset jangan lupa file managernya, biasa digunakan "Astro File Manager" (ada di market). Untuk transfer data dari PC - handset bisa juga menggunakan myphoneexplorer ( ) atau QtAdb ( ),agar bisa konek ke myphoneexplorer/qtadb diharuskan sudah menginstall driver untuk handsetnya agar bisa dikenali di komputer, untuk Samsung bisa pakai Kies, HTC pakai htc drivers yang dapat didownload di situs resminya.
Setelah diinstall, maka langsung buka di handset dengan cara settings - Language and Input Settings - Smart Keyboard Pro Settings. Jika tampilan gambar rada beda, karena custom ROM tetapi pada dasarnya tampilan menu-menu di androis sama.
Warning: Spoiler!
Pada backup settings, coba dipilih untuk membuat backupnya.
Warning: Spoiler!
Kemudian pilih "Backup to SD Card", lalu pilih OK pada dialog. Sehingga akan terbentuk file di /sdcard/smartkeyboardpro/
Atau bisa create manual saja folder "smartkeyboardpro" di sdcard, lalu copas ke dalam situ. yang sudah didownload, transfer ke sdcard di folder /smartkeyboardpro/ , bisa dengan cabut sdcard terlebih dahulu yang ditaro di card reader dan lakukan copy paste di windows explorer seperti biasa atau bisa juga sdcard di handset dijadikan usb mass storage dan lakukan copy paste seperti biasa atau bisa gunakan myphoneexplorer. File yang lama dihapus dan ditimpa dengan yg sudah didownload.
Warning: Spoiler!
Nah, kemudian restore backupannya dengan masuk ke backup settings - pilih restore from sdcard. Pilih OK saja
Warning: Spoiler!
Nah berikut di gambar adalah settingan dari Smart Keyboard Pro di bagian Text Prediction. Tanda biru (1) artinya on/aktif, sorry jika beda tampilan karena custom rom dan theme tetapi pada dasarnya sama.
<li>Auto-capitalization: on</li>
<li>Quick fix: off = agar tidak otomatis terganti begitu mengetik</li>
<li>Show suggestion: on</li>
<li>Autocomplete: off = agar tidak mengganggu (otomatis ganti kata) begitu spasi</li>
<li>Swap punctuation:off</li>
<li>Space after picking:off</li>
<li>Contact Dictionary:on/off (optional, jika ingin suggestion ambil dari nama kontak di hp)</li>
<li>Always suggest: on = agar muncul suggestionnya apa begitu mengetikkan sesuatu</li>
Warning: Spoiler!
Di custom autotext lah dimasukkan kata2nya, misalkan kita mengetik ILU langsung muncul suggesstion "I love you very much". Klik + Add AutoText.. untuk menambah.The following word misalnya "ILU", lalu will be replace with "I love you very much".
Warning: Spoiler!
AutoText yg sudah ada bisa juga diedit dengan klik salah satu, pilih Edit
Warning: Spoiler!
OK, sekarang bisa mulai untuk memakai ngetik dengan autotext tersebut, bisa sms, bisa untuk notes atau pun web. Pastikan input method yg dipilih adalah smartkeyboard pro, tap rada lamaan di textbox maka muncul dialog untuk pilih input method, pilih saja smartkeyboard pro.
Warning: Spoiler!
Jika sudah, coba ketik salah satu key dari autotext yg sudah ada, misalnya ketik "brb" maka nongol suggesstion yg terlihat berwarna oren, touch saja suggesstionnya maka autotext tsb langsung muncul di textbox.
Warning: Spoiler!
Khusus yg menggunakan keyboard fisik seperti htc dream G1, x10mini pro, desire Z, agar muncul juga autotextnya saat diketik, jangan lupa masuk ke Smart Keyboard Pro Settings - General Settings - Physical Keyboard (centang saja atau on)
Ada masalah dengan karakter yg jadi kotak2? masuk sini:
Tak lupa kepada Mr.Gita Indrawanoor dan Mr. Ivan Putra Harsono yg telah mengajarkan cara2nya
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sedikit share aja gan game hd untuk semua android bagi yang berminat silahkan kunjungi klik disini
[FREE GAME] World of Monster(gw update gr2 tmn gw (rahadyan)
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